“To describe the shores of the Amalfi sea according to a traditional photogenic should be enough tourist publications, the sequences of documentaries”
Salvatore Quasimodo knew this well when he wrote his Praise of Amalfi, which was not so. Because the shores of the sea of the city offer suggestion and enchantment.
The origins
The origins of Amalfi are surrounded by the clouds of legend. In fact, there are numerous legends about the foundation of the city: in any case they all have Roman origins in common. This is also demonstrated by the findings of archaeological remains of the imperial age, including the nymphaeum of a villa probably built at the time of Emperor Tiberius.
The toponym “Amalfi” is, moreover, of sure Latin extraction: it, according to the saga of main origin, derives from Melfi, a Lucanian seaside village abandoned by some Roman refugees in the 4th century AD .; or it could correspond to the surname of a Roman gens of the first century AD (Amarfia).
Culture and traditions
“Amalfi is all over the sea … An open sea, immense, where two gulfs unite and mingle … The whole city is a large balcony lashed by a dazzling sun”.
Thus wrote the great Amalfit journalist Gaetano Afeltra about his city, able to merge the glories of the past with the scent of the sea and lemons.
Excursions and nature
The Monti Lattari constitute the mountain range of the Amalfi Coast, of the Sorrento Peninsula and down to the Isle of Capri.
Fonte : https://www.amalfi.gov.it/